Big thanks to the mayor of La Libertad. She is allowing us to make this post in her office on the city computer. I couldn´t find an internet cafe in the village, so this is a huge gift. Here´s the update from Wednesday.
We´ve been here since Sunday. We were off to a slow start after traveling a long and bumby road to the village. Rain slowed us down as we tried to get our clinic set up for our first chapel. That was Sunday. On Monday all was well.
Chapel services have been great. Anthony is doing a great job preaching. He has been a huge new addition to our team. We´ve seen about 1,800 people so far and over 200 decisions for Christ. God willing that will continue or increase today and tomorrow morning.
John and Linda joined us yesterday. It is great to have them back. They know the ropes so well, and it just feels more normal with them around. We had a very sick team member from Florida last night, but the doctors did great. Meredith Wilson did an exceptional job. We prayed a lot and she is back at work this morning. It was a late night for a lot of people on our team.
The Pharmacy is doing well. The dentists have pulled more teeth than you want to know about, and Dr. Mauldin is leaving today for a commitment at home, so they will be without her after today. She has done a great job.
Preacher is doing a great job leading the team. He and I got a personal tour yesterday from the mayor. I was just tagging along with the dignitary. It pays to have important friends. She drove us to the gold mines and to an local ranch. It was very impressive.
The children are beautiful and we feel blessed to be here. Thank you to everyone who cooked, brought food, packed pills, gave money and prayed for us. It is good to be a part of our church family.
The village is beautiful. We are loving this trip. I´ll update you more when we get back to the mission home on Thursday evening. We miss you guys and hope you have a wonderful night at CBC.