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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Drummer Boy

Curry James is a drummer. He has been beating things for months and it is shaping into a spectators sport. The second drawer, the one with the mixer beaters and metal serving spoons is marked from one end to the other with the remnants of his melodic sessions from weeks past. Pencils make good drumsticks. So do screwdrivers and sticks and anything else that is long and somewhat straight.

He leaves the church nursey every Sunday morning on a mission. He has a need to get into the sanctuary, up the steps and to find some willing accomplice who will put him on the drum throne so he can play for his live audience which is just the last of us to leave the building, still finishing our dwindling convesations and lunch plans. But he will sit and play for as long as we let him. And if the sound guy leaves the drums turned on....bonus! But it doesn't seem to matter. He'll play by himself with no sound. If he has sticks in his hand - he's happy.

So for Christmas, Kat and Pops got him a drumset. Not a real one mind you, but a small one that is loud and more off key than a real one, but just as much fun for him. He beats on that thing and wears out the one clangy symbol audience or no audience. It's a show worth seeing. You should come over sometime. We don't charge admission. God Bless you and pray for our little man as he grows up.


1 comment:

Carrie Holeman said...

He is adoreable in every picture but this one is just priceless. Of course this one kind of touches my heart ;)